Winning Strategies for Online Success!

Two Website Analysis Tools

Have you ever wondered why certain pages of your website get considerably more page views than others? Perhaps these pages are more important or more popular, or maybe they are just easier for your web users to find.

Here are two online tools that can help you analyze your website from the user’s perspective.

Tool #1: UserTesting

UserTesting provides testers who will perform tasks on your website specified by you, then provide you with a video of their thoughts along with written responses.

Options include:

Tool #2: MixPanel

Page views do not tell the entire story. Use MixPanel to focus on measuring specific user actions and activities instead of page views.

MixPanel features include:

Users who see value in your offerings will return and will tell their friends. Use the tools above to understand why your customers leave and to help you improve your website, and, thus, increase your retention.

Helpful Tools

Posted on June 12, 2013 | Permalink | Join email list

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